Senin, 14 September 2020

What drives me to be a novelist?

What drives me to be a novelist?
YouTube has its own role to make who I am today. It is absolutely because of Allah’s mercy upon me. But Allah makes an Islamic lecture video on YouTube accessible to me. It helped me a lot to know who is Syeikh Khalid Basalamah and Syeikh Adi Hidayat (May Allah bless them with a long life so they can spread khair and knowledge even more). I was at 18 I guess when I started listening to Syeikh Khalid Basalamah. What he taught me, I tried to do my best. He spoke about sunnah and the forbidden things. I tried to follow and avoid. Almost everything. I believe he is none other than a syeikh who continues warning the ummah. Every syeikh is a representative of the Prophet PBUH on this earth. Syeikh Khalid showed hadith about what make drawing, dating, and such haram. Long story short, I am becoming a practicing muslim.
Drawing is something I am good at, but after knowing the hadith I stopped. But when hearing that reading novel is such a waste of time (I do agree on him in a certain aspect), I followed him. It has nothing to do with the deen. But writing is something that I am good at and even I used to think that it can be my carrier. I was kind of forgetting my writing carrier. Some authors I knew back than continued asking me like ‘we have new projects, would you like to join?’.
I knew writing is something that I tried to avoid but not as strict as avoiding music. Some time I found myself went to library and took novels from the specific shelf (my favorite place I have to admit). I decide to read novel only in my period time comes so it won’t disturb my worship time. It keeps continuing until today (the schedule I made).
I am not totally losing my dream to be a novelist. I still find myself in my semester break writing something but until it reached fifteen chapters I didn’t continue it.
I realized that what Syeikh Khalid Basalamah’ says are true and for good’s sake. But what Syeikh Adi Hidayat’s says are even more logic. When Syeikh Adi Hidayat was asked is music haram? He said it depends. I was in shock. There are people of Quran who must avoid music so their memorizations do not get distraction. But for those who struggling to have faith, you have no idea how is Allah’s plans to give them hidaya. There was a non-muslim man reverted to Islam because he felt there is something on nasheed even the nasheed was extremely bad because the singer is a woman and it is added music instrument. But we don’t know Allah’s plan in turning someone’s heart.
At that time I couldn’t relate this. But lately when I am looking for my intention (what drives me to be a novelist) cuz it is important to have a reminder what drives me so one day I will have the right intention and focus on it.
I remembered the first novel I fully read is Ayat-ayat Cinta (the verses of love). I read that novel from library on my high school. It is an amazing story about an Indonesian who studies in Egypt, Al Azhar University finding his loved ones and going through hardships and tests from Allah. I have to admit that that’s the only view and knowledge I have about Islam. My parent wouldn’t teach me. My teacher hadn’t a good approaches when it comes to “giving a dawah”. I was studying in islamic schools but I never have a love in Islam before reading that novel. That novel makes me realize that being a devout muslim like Fahri or Aisya is one hundred percent cool. I found myself started to perform salah. And I remembered my mom said to me “Instead of reading novel, you must read your book from school,” and I cried and replied “I started praying after reading this book.” I cannot remember for detail. But that was it. This what drives me to be an Islamic novelist. I prayed I can reach another more Dinda.

Selasa, 08 September 2020



Q n A

1 Bagaimana agar tokoh sifat yang konsisten?

-pahami “kebutuhan dan keinginan”

-buat “list kenapa-kenapa”


2 Apa yang dimaksud dengan karakter tidak “utuh”?

-Saat awal plot bleum menemukan solusi masalah-> menerima-> mempelajari


3. bagaimana jika yang aktif justru karakter pembantu (bukan karakter utama)?

-itu disebut “Tokoh mentor”, Karakter utama: “Hadapi nggak ya?” Karakter pembantu mendorong, tapi tetap karakter utama yang memutuskan.

4. Untuk karakter yang labih dalm buat keputusan (tidak konsisten), apa terbilang karakter yang menarik?

-Ya, bisa menggugah pembaca. “seharusnya gak gitu!! Gimana sih! Kok malah gini dia!”

5. Apakah karakter yang konsisten menjadi tidak menarik?

-Tidak juga. Kekonsistenan karakter bisa menjadi ciri kuat. Asalkan tidak berubah secara drastis tiba-tiba karena itu akan aneh. Misal, tokoh penakut yang dihadapkan dengan takdir bisa melihat hantu. Dia penakut tapi di akhir cerita dia tetap konsisten “takut” hanya saja lebih berani menghadapi takdir.

6. Apakah ciri fisik karakter penting untuk dijelaskan detail? Apakah semua karakter harus dijelaskan ciri fisiknya?

-Optional. Ada tokoh utama yang sama sekali tidak dijelaskan ciri fisiknya sedangkan dalam ceita yang sama ada 2 tokoh pembantu yang dijelaskan secara rinci detail seperti 2 pria tampan dengan sorot mata tajam, tinggi, dan menawan. Lalu kenapa tokoh utama justru tidak digambarkan fisiknya oleh penulis? Tujuannya adalah “Self-Insert” agar pembaca bisa membayangkan bahwa si tokoh adalah dirinya sendiri yang sejauh cerita didampingi oleh 2 tokoh pria tampan. :v

7. Apakah boleh membuat sosok antagonis yang manusiawi?

Tentu saja! Ada kekeliruan umum bahwa antagonis itu “jahat, titik”. Tidak ya, antagonis itu bisa berupa tokoh yang pikirannya “tidak sejalan” dengan tokoh protagonis.

Dalam cerita harus selalu ada “pesannya”. Karena pesan lebih baik tidak tersirat langsung (agar tidak tampak seperti PENULIS MAHA BENAR DAN MENGGURUI) Nah itu gunanya antagonis yang beda pikiran dengan tokoh utama.

8. bagaimana cara menghadirkan masalah internal lampau di masa kini?

Jika masalah itu penting dan berkaitan dengan plot/cara pikir tokoh, maka boleh dimasukkan. Tapi jika sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya maka jangan. Contoh: dulu dia dibully, sekarang dia bertemu lagi dengan si pebully setelah sekian lama.

9. Untuk cerita berseri, bolehkan jika tiap seri berbeda tokoh utama? Dan pertumbuhannya bagaimana?

BOLEH. Asalkan ada benang merahnya (sefrekuensi) contoh: keluarga

Untuk pertumbuhan bisa di buku 1 diberi masalah 1, 2 (terserah) serta pemecahannya, buku 2 diberi 3, 4. Dst.

10.  Bagaimana jika tokoh lain justru yang menarik daripada tokoh utama?

Bisa. Seperti Harry Potter.

11. jika tokoh anak baik, apakah cerita itu boring?

Bisa digali. Kenapa dia baik? Contoh cerita komik. Tokoh pemain volley yang karakternya lempeng dan kurang bergairah dalam menjalani hidup. Tapi neneknya pernah memberinya nasehat untuk jadi konsisten. Yang konsisten itu akhirnya berbuah. Dia diangkat jadi ketua tim. Dengan kelempengannya, tapi saat diberitahu bahwa dia terpilih jadi ketua tim, dia ekspresif untuk kali pertama dalam hidupnya lalu dia menangis tersedu-sedu. Dan pembacapun terenyuh.

12. Apakah karakter=GANTENG, CEO, BAD BOY, PERFECT, KAYA RAYA itu harus? Apakah harus seorang penulis mengikuti pasaran?

-Lakunya di Pasaran sih itu XD. TAPI, bagi penulis yang mau menulis karakter berbeda BOLEH SEKALI dengan syarat ciptakan KARAKTER YANG UNIK.

13. apakah perasaan pribadi itu bisa terbilang MASALAH dari PLOT INTERNAL dan MASALAH dari karakter lain masuk EKSTERNAL?

IYA betul. Masalah eksternal bisa dari Bencana Alam, karena tokoh tidak menghendakinya. Bukan keinginan dan kebutuhannya. Namun dia dihadapkan dengan bencana alam yang membuat plotnya berubah untuk cerita hidupnya.

14. Bagaimana jika tokoh dibuat memiliki ciri khas khusus? Apakah itu bisa membuat karakter menarik?

Ok ok saja untuk menghidupkan cerita. Tapi jangan sampai itu jadi highlight (penentu akhir cerita) nanti ceritanya ketebak. Kecuali jika itu film horror/misteri, misal si cewek suka dandan. Penghadiran plot twist dibutuhkan agar pembaca bisa ikut menebak-nebak sepanjang cerita, baik itu tebakkannya benar ataupun salah.

15. bagaimana jika tidak ada tokoh protagonis-antagonis? Bagaimana jika tokonya antagonis semua (perusuh)?

BISA, masukkan saja tokoh-tokoh itu dalam situasi yang membuat mereka mau tak mau harus ada di sana. Contoh: dimasukkan dalam lift. Selanjutnya cerita kembangkan sendiri.

16, Kalau kita sebagai penulis merasa tokoh kita sudah greget bagus tapi ternyata pembaca tidak merasa emikian bagaimana ya?

-Buat komunitas kecil berisi 2 penulis pemula yang kamu percaya (agar tidak dicuri juga idenya) tanyakan pendapat mereka tentang ceritamu dan tokoh fiksimu

17. Bagaimana jika tokoh yang dibuat adalah pendiam?

Jika tokoh ekstrovert mengutarakan masalahnya dengan cerita pada temannya. Maka tokoh pendiam paksakan untuk peran aktif dengan cara apapun (? Honestly gak paham juga, nyatetku kurang detail)





Seperti Apakah Karakter yang Menarik itu?

(?) Buat plot dulu/ karakter dulu

Karakter dulu: karakter dapat membantu pembangunan plot.


Karakter apa yang menarik = karakter yang penulis suka?

Bisa jadi! Asal karakter yang menarik adalah yang mampu membuat pembaca terbawa emosi hingga menggebu.


PLOT = “Kebutuhan dan Keinginan” Karakter Wajib Ada

1.      Pastikan plot awal, karakter “tidak utuh”

2.      Munculkan “kebutuhan dan keinginan” supaya karakter jadi menarik. (boleh negatif, positif/ netral)

(atau sebaliknya)


(Gugah emosi pembaca dengan menguji karakter di klimaks cerita)



1.      Pastikan karakter belum “utuh” di awal cerita

2.      Pastikan bahwa ada perjuangan (peran aktif) yang dilakukan oleh karakter untuk menjadi “utuh”

3.      Pastikan ada “ujian” bagi karakter di klimaks cerita






Karaktek harus PUNYA “AKUNTABILITAS” agar Relatable (manusia sense)

Untuk menyelesaikan masalah, dia harus menghianati ini/itu.


 (Jangan lupa baca juga yang QnA)

Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

new word 23 July 20

cannot be taken lightly.
dreadful experience
it is supposed to be a mutual beneficial affair..
it is a step that is being put aside in the process

mo letter

genuine reasons behind my decision to apply

-perfect candidate
-show genuinely want to be there and are excited about what they do
-the intent should be my driving motivation

3 structures

I am writing to express my interest in the bachelor program in the Department of at bla bla University, as it has always been my age-long ambition to become a

a keen interest in the interaction between individuals and their environment and I found this very intriguing and exciting,

a keen interest in the interaction between individuals and their environment and I found this very intriguing and exciting,

I would like to deep-dive 

I would pick a sleepless night conducting research instead of a night out anytime. I spend most of my mornings reading the last edition of the Journal of Marketing. I have worked on three separate research studies during my time at Colorado University.

Achieving a Magna Cum Laude required a lot of hard work and dedication, but education has been my biggest passion in life, so there was more joy than pain in the process

The institution that we are applying to needs to know who we are, what our interests are, and how we could benefit them.

motivation letter for exchange program should consist of:
·      Your name and personal information
·      The name of the addressee (if you are familiar with it. If not, simply use an appropriate pronoun)
·      The content, which should be divided in three parts:
o   Introduction, which includes your purpose of writing. Don’t forget to make this part interesting by using an attention grabber or a hook.
o   Body, which includes your professional competences, such as your experiences, and your personal motivation.
o   Conclusion, which summarizes your intention of writing and closes your pitch.

·      Regards and signature

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2020

scattered notes I made

it can be nerve-wracking

can be an absolute game-changer

starve to death

I’ll totally be a great fit

there are genuine reasons behind your decision to apply.

Why it Matters?

why you are the perfect candidate for a certain position.
So why exactly does the motivational letter matter? 

 You’re a doer more than a talker: you’ve listed everything there is to know about you on your resume. That should be enough, right? Wrong! 

All organizations are looking for people who genuinely want to be there and are excited about what they do. The intent should be your driving motivation! 

 It can provide a boost for your resume

but also make up for lacking required skills.

1. Using the classic 3 main paragraphs structure, where your motivational letter has the introduction, the body, and the conclusion

I am writing to express my interest
2. Using the 5-7 paragraph structure, where you divide your main body paragraph into smaller 1-3 sentence paragraphs according to the main points.

I am writing to express my interest in the bachelor program in the Department of at bla bla University, as it has always been my age-long ambition to become a *** 

I developed a keen interest in the interaction between individuals and their environment and I found this very intriguing and exciting, especially its influence in ))) today. 

I believe that there is no better place to continue my ** in *** as it relates to English Department at UMM. I consider it a vibrant experience to get the opportunity to meet students from all over the world and learn about their culture and values. 

endeavor (n. ikhtiar) = (v) struggle, strive

Try to be as factual as possible

back up =(v) support

I would like to deep-dive 

I developed my passion for Online Marketing during my internship at [company name]. Working in a small startup allowed me to get surface-level experience in most digital marketing channels. Now, I would like to deep-dive and gain advanced know-how by attending the [university name] program in Digital Marketing.

I would pick a sleepless night conducting research instead of a night out anytime. I spend most of my mornings reading the last edition of the Journal of Marketing. I have worked on three separate research studies during my time at Colorado University.

Achieving a Magna Cum Laude required a lot of hard work and dedication, but education has been my biggest passion in life, so there was more joy than pain in the process!

The general requirements are: being research inclined, a demonstrated passion for Politics, and an above average performance during undergraduate studies. 


knowing the history of those universities+same values

That she’s genuinely excited and passionate about the program and the school
What her qualifications are and how they’ll be a great fit for the program
What she hopes to achieve if given the opportunity to study at Harvard

and this is what you should also aim to do:

communicate who you are through highlighting your story tailored to the institution and program you are applying for.